Source code for trinidi.util

"""Some util functions."""

import numpy as np

MASS_OF_NEUTRON = 939.56542052 * 1e6 / (299792458) ** 2  # [eV s²/m²]

TOF_LABEL = "Time-of-flight [μs]"
ENERGY_LABEL = "Energy [eV]"

[docs]def time2energy(time, flight_path_length): r"""Convert time-of-flight to energy of the neutron. .. math:: E = \frac{1}{2} m \left( \frac{L}{t} \right) \; , where :math:`E` is the energy, :math:`m` is the mass, :math:`t` is the time-of-flight of the neutron, and :math:`L` is the flight path length. Args: time: Time-of-flight in :math:`\mathrm{μs}`. flight_path_length: flight path length in :math:`\mathrm{m}`. Returns: Energy of the neutron in :math:`\mathrm{eV}`. """ m = MASS_OF_NEUTRON # [eV s²/m²] L = flight_path_length # m t = time / 1e6 # s return m / 2 * (L / t) ** 2 # eV
[docs]def energy2time(energy, flight_path_length): r"""Convert energy to time-of-flight of the neutron. .. math:: t = L \sqrt{ \frac{m}{2 E} } where :math:`E` is the energy, :math:`m` is the mass, :math:`t` is the time-of-flight of the neutron, and :math:`L` is the flight path lenghth. Args: energy: Energy of the neutron in :math:`\mathrm{eV}`. flight_path_length: flight path length in :math:`\mathrm{m}`. Returns: Time-of-flight in :math:`\mathrm{μs}`. """ L = flight_path_length # m m = MASS_OF_NEUTRON # eV s²/m² E = energy # eV t = L * np.sqrt(m / 2 / E) # s return t * 1e6 # μs
[docs]def no_nan_divide(x, y): """Return `x/y`, with 0 instead of NaN where `y` is 0. Args: x: Numerator. y: Denominator. Returns: `x / y` with 0 wherever `y == 0`. """ return np.where(y != 0, np.divide(x, np.where(y != 0, y, 1)), 0)